Jgu-Batería de ordenador portátil para Hp, HSTNN-I61C-5, HSTNN-I62C, HSTNN-I62C-7, HSTNN-IB1C, HSTNN-IB2C, HSTNN-IB88, HSTNN-LB88

14.60 – 21.64
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El precio ha subido en 1.13 €

Más caro que la media, mucho

Vendedor de confianza: 89%

Superior a la media, es seguro comprar, JIGU-999 Store

  • Más de 12 años en la plataforma
  • Alta calificación general (17177)
  • Los compradores están satisfechos con la comunicación
  • Las artículos corresponden a su descripción
  • Envía rápidamente los artículos
  • 3.4% de los clientes quedaron insatisfechos en los últimos 3 meses

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Otros vendedores ofrecen este artículo de 14.99 €

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Jgu-Batería de ordenador portátil para Hp, HSTNN-I61C-5, HSTNN-I62C, HSTNN-I62C-7, HSTNN-IB1C, HSTNN-IB2C, HSTNN-IB88, HSTNN-LB88 2024 - compra barato
Jgu-Batería de ordenador portátil para Hp, HSTNN-I61C-5, HSTNN-I62C, HSTNN-I62C-7, HSTNN-IB1C, HSTNN-IB2C, HSTNN-IB88, HSTNN-LB88 2024 - compra barato
Jgu-Batería de ordenador portátil para Hp, HSTNN-I61C-5, HSTNN-I62C, HSTNN-I62C-7, HSTNN-IB1C, HSTNN-IB2C, HSTNN-IB88, HSTNN-LB88 - compara precios
Jgu-Batería de ordenador portátil para Hp, HSTNN-I61C-5, HSTNN-I62C, HSTNN-I62C-7, HSTNN-IB1C, HSTNN-IB2C, HSTNN-IB88, HSTNN-LB88 - especificaciones
Jgu-Batería de ordenador portátil para Hp, HSTNN-I61C-5, HSTNN-I62C, HSTNN-I62C-7, HSTNN-IB1C, HSTNN-IB2C, HSTNN-IB88, HSTNN-LB88 - foto 2024
1imagen decorativacalificación
0imagen decorativapedidos

Fotos de compradores

Jgu-Batería de ordenador portátil para Hp, HSTNN-I61C-5, HSTNN-I62C, HSTNN-I62C-7, HSTNN-IB1C, HSTNN-IB2C, HSTNN-IB88, HSTNN-LB88 2024 - The battery came with one defective cell. Money is not returned. I do not recommend this seller.
                                                        Dear friend, 
because you opened dispute and didn't reply me anymore, and you didn't provide any video to show the problem , so it's finished by Ali, we understanding your feels, but please understand us and protect your benefit,Thank you very much for your support. We sincerely wish you every day with the same feeling of sunshine.
Please forgive us if you don't have enough attention.
Jgu-Batería de ordenador portátil para Hp, HSTNN-I61C-5, HSTNN-I62C, HSTNN-I62C-7, HSTNN-IB1C, HSTNN-IB2C, HSTNN-IB88, HSTNN-LB88 2024 - The battery came with one defective cell. Money is not returned. I do not recommend this seller.
                                                        Dear friend, 
because you opened dispute and didn't reply me anymore, and you didn't provide any video to show the problem , so it's finished by Ali, we understanding your feels, but please understand us and protect your benefit,Thank you very much for your support. We sincerely wish you every day with the same feeling of sunshine.
Please forgive us if you don't have enough attention.


  • Название бренда: JIGU
  • Сертификация: Европейский сертификат соответствия
  • Происхождение: Китай
  • Тип: Литий-ионный
  • Батарея ячеек: 6 ячеек
  • Совместимая марка: HP
  • Упаковка: Да
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