Luces LED nocturnas para armario, luz nocturna con atenuación táctil inalámbrica, con batería, para sala de estar, dormitorio, armario, cocina, lámpara de pared

3.87 – 4.24
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El precio ha bajado en 0.21 €

Más barato que la media, un poco

Vendedor de confianza: 89%

Superior a la media, es seguro comprar, LY Light Store

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  • 2.9% de los clientes quedaron insatisfechos en los últimos 3 meses

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Otros vendedores ofrecen este artículo de 1.82 €

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Luces LED nocturnas para armario, luz nocturna con atenuación táctil inalámbrica, con batería, para sala de estar, dormitorio, armario, cocina, lámpara de pared 2024 - compra barato
Luces LED nocturnas para armario, luz nocturna con atenuación táctil inalámbrica, con batería, para sala de estar, dormitorio, armario, cocina, lámpara de pared 2024 - compra barato
Luces LED nocturnas para armario, luz nocturna con atenuación táctil inalámbrica, con batería, para sala de estar, dormitorio, armario, cocina, lámpara de pared - compara precios
Luces LED nocturnas para armario, luz nocturna con atenuación táctil inalámbrica, con batería, para sala de estar, dormitorio, armario, cocina, lámpara de pared - especificaciones
Luces LED nocturnas para armario, luz nocturna con atenuación táctil inalámbrica, con batería, para sala de estar, dormitorio, armario, cocina, lámpara de pared - foto 2024
Luces LED nocturnas para armario, luz nocturna con atenuación táctil inalámbrica, con batería, para sala de estar, dormitorio, armario, cocina, lámpara de pared - foto 2024
1imagen decorativacalificación
2imagen decorativapedidos

Fotos de compradores

Luces LED nocturnas para armario, luz nocturna con atenuación táctil inalámbrica, con batería, para sala de estar, dormitorio, armario, cocina, lámpara de pared 2024 - Amazing. The lamp have 3 modes - warm, coll and both warm and cool combined. It has 5 levels of lighting power in every mode. The lamp can turned on and off simply by clicking on it, or using the remote control.

The remote control looks exactly as presented in the pictures and works great from a maximum distance of an about 2.5 meter long. I ordered 3 lamps and each remote control works on them all which is convenient and usefull.

To hang the lamp you can simply use a nail for the hole at the back of the lamp. Alternatively, you can use a strong, two-sided sticker that cames with the lamp and stick it on a forniture or wall permanantly.

NOTE: The lamp requires 3 AAA Batteries and the remote control requires an additional 1 CR2032 battery which are NOT include in the package.

I AM MORE THAN RECOMMENDS THIS PRODUCT. It's cheap and works really well.
Luces LED nocturnas para armario, luz nocturna con atenuación táctil inalámbrica, con batería, para sala de estar, dormitorio, armario, cocina, lámpara de pared 2024 - Amazing. The lamp have 3 modes - warm, coll and both warm and cool combined. It has 5 levels of lighting power in every mode. The lamp can turned on and off simply by clicking on it, or using the remote control.

The remote control looks exactly as presented in the pictures and works great from a maximum distance of an about 2.5 meter long. I ordered 3 lamps and each remote control works on them all which is convenient and usefull.

To hang the lamp you can simply use a nail for the hole at the back of the lamp. Alternatively, you can use a strong, two-sided sticker that cames with the lamp and stick it on a forniture or wall permanantly.

NOTE: The lamp requires 3 AAA Batteries and the remote control requires an additional 1 CR2032 battery which are NOT include in the package.

I AM MORE THAN RECOMMENDS THIS PRODUCT. It's cheap and works really well.
Luces LED nocturnas para armario, luz nocturna con atenuación táctil inalámbrica, con batería, para sala de estar, dormitorio, armario, cocina, lámpara de pared 2024 - Amazing. The lamp have 3 modes - warm, coll and both warm and cool combined. It has 5 levels of lighting power in every mode. The lamp can turned on and off simply by clicking on it, or using the remote control.

The remote control looks exactly as presented in the pictures and works great from a maximum distance of an about 2.5 meter long. I ordered 3 lamps and each remote control works on them all which is convenient and usefull.

To hang the lamp you can simply use a nail for the hole at the back of the lamp. Alternatively, you can use a strong, two-sided sticker that cames with the lamp and stick it on a forniture or wall permanantly.

NOTE: The lamp requires 3 AAA Batteries and the remote control requires an additional 1 CR2032 battery which are NOT include in the package.

I AM MORE THAN RECOMMENDS THIS PRODUCT. It's cheap and works really well.
Luces LED nocturnas para armario, luz nocturna con atenuación táctil inalámbrica, con batería, para sala de estar, dormitorio, armario, cocina, lámpara de pared 2024 - Amazing. The lamp have 3 modes - warm, coll and both warm and cool combined. It has 5 levels of lighting power in every mode. The lamp can turned on and off simply by clicking on it, or using the remote control.

The remote control looks exactly as presented in the pictures and works great from a maximum distance of an about 2.5 meter long. I ordered 3 lamps and each remote control works on them all which is convenient and usefull.

To hang the lamp you can simply use a nail for the hole at the back of the lamp. Alternatively, you can use a strong, two-sided sticker that cames with the lamp and stick it on a forniture or wall permanantly.

NOTE: The lamp requires 3 AAA Batteries and the remote control requires an additional 1 CR2032 battery which are NOT include in the package.

I AM MORE THAN RECOMMENDS THIS PRODUCT. It's cheap and works really well.


  • Название бренда: lyfs
  • Происхождение: Китай
  • Сертификация: Обязательный сертификат КНР
  • Материал: ABS
  • Это умное устройство: no
  • Индивидуальное изготовление: Да
  • Можно ли затемнять: Да
  • Напряжение: 5 В
  • Источник питания: Сухая батарея
  • Тип запуска: Переключатель
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