Engranaje recto de 1M, sin escalones en ambos lados, grosor de 10 dientes, 45 #, acero 24/28/29/30/31/32/35/36/40/45/48/50/60mm 24-60T

3.83 – 8.71
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El precio ha bajado en 0.37 €

Más barato que la media, un poco

Fiabilidad del vendedor: 55%

Compra con cautela, Shop5369054 Store

  • Más de 4 años en la plataforma
  • Baja calificación general (145)
  • Los compradores están satisfechos con la comunicación
  • Las artículos corresponden a su descripción
  • Envía rápidamente los artículos
  • 3.3% de los clientes quedaron insatisfechos en los últimos 3 meses

Comentarios de clientes


Otros vendedores ofrecen este artículo de 0.92 €

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Engranaje recto de 1M, sin escalones en ambos lados, grosor de 10 dientes, 45 #, acero 24/28/29/30/31/32/35/36/40/45/48/50/60mm 24-60T 2024 - compra barato
Engranaje recto de 1M, sin escalones en ambos lados, grosor de 10 dientes, 45 #, acero 24/28/29/30/31/32/35/36/40/45/48/50/60mm 24-60T 2024 - compra barato
Engranaje recto de 1M, sin escalones en ambos lados, grosor de 10 dientes, 45 #, acero 24/28/29/30/31/32/35/36/40/45/48/50/60mm 24-60T - compara precios
Engranaje recto de 1M, sin escalones en ambos lados, grosor de 10 dientes, 45 #, acero 24/28/29/30/31/32/35/36/40/45/48/50/60mm 24-60T - especificaciones
Engranaje recto de 1M, sin escalones en ambos lados, grosor de 10 dientes, 45 #, acero 24/28/29/30/31/32/35/36/40/45/48/50/60mm 24-60T - foto 2024
1imagen decorativacalificación
1imagen decorativapedido

Fotos de compradores

Engranaje recto de 1M, sin escalones en ambos lados, grosor de 10 dientes, 45 #, acero 24/28/29/30/31/32/35/36/40/45/48/50/60mm 24-60T 2024 - Pay close attention to this seller several photos are sent to this seller for the purpose I sent the right gears but this seller is a scoundrel I send the wrong gears. Enter into dispute at and I have to return the gears and shipping has a cost 3 times higher the value of the gears so it does not come into account return because the shipping value is very Expensive and aliexpress knows that returning a product is no business only the business for the Chinese somehow aliexpress should punish these thieves I bought six gears and none served me and cannot be returned Unfortunately,
Engranaje recto de 1M, sin escalones en ambos lados, grosor de 10 dientes, 45 #, acero 24/28/29/30/31/32/35/36/40/45/48/50/60mm 24-60T 2024 - Pay close attention to this seller several photos are sent to this seller for the purpose I sent the right gears but this seller is a scoundrel I send the wrong gears. Enter into dispute at and I have to return the gears and shipping has a cost 3 times higher the value of the gears so it does not come into account return because the shipping value is very Expensive and aliexpress knows that returning a product is no business only the business for the Chinese somehow aliexpress should punish these thieves I bought six gears and none served me and cannot be returned Unfortunately,
Engranaje recto de 1M, sin escalones en ambos lados, grosor de 10 dientes, 45 #, acero 24/28/29/30/31/32/35/36/40/45/48/50/60mm 24-60T 2024 - Pay close attention to this seller several photos are sent to this seller for the purpose I sent the right gears but this seller is a scoundrel I send the wrong gears. Enter into dispute at and I have to return the gears and shipping has a cost 3 times higher the value of the gears so it does not come into account return because the shipping value is very Expensive and aliexpress knows that returning a product is no business only the business for the Chinese somehow aliexpress should punish these thieves I bought six gears and none served me and cannot be returned Unfortunately,
Engranaje recto de 1M, sin escalones en ambos lados, grosor de 10 dientes, 45 #, acero 24/28/29/30/31/32/35/36/40/45/48/50/60mm 24-60T 2024 - Pay close attention to this seller several photos are sent to this seller for the purpose I sent the right gears but this seller is a scoundrel I send the wrong gears. Enter into dispute at and I have to return the gears and shipping has a cost 3 times higher the value of the gears so it does not come into account return because the shipping value is very Expensive and aliexpress knows that returning a product is no business only the business for the Chinese somehow aliexpress should punish these thieves I bought six gears and none served me and cannot be returned Unfortunately,
Todas las fotos


  • Сертификация: NONE
  • Происхождение: Китай
  • Форма: Прямозубая
  • Обработка: Выдавливание
  • Индивидуальное изготовление: YES
  • Наличие стандарта: Стандарт
  • Шаблон для зубца: Прямозубая передача
  • Материал: Углеродистая сталь
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