SENSAH SRX PRO 1x11 velocidades, grupo de carretera 11 s, palanca de cambios R/L + desviadores traseros + ZRACE ALPHA , gravel-bikes Cyclo-Cross

163.08 – 222.23
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Fiabilidad del vendedor: 72%

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  • 2.2% de los clientes quedaron insatisfechos en los últimos 3 meses

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Otros vendedores ofrecen este artículo de 88.31 €

41 artículos similares encontrados

SENSAH SRX PRO 1x11 velocidades, grupo de carretera 11 s, palanca de cambios R/L + desviadores traseros + ZRACE ALPHA , gravel-bikes Cyclo-Cross 2024 - compra barato
SENSAH SRX PRO 1x11 velocidades, grupo de carretera 11 s, palanca de cambios R/L + desviadores traseros + ZRACE ALPHA , gravel-bikes Cyclo-Cross 2024 - compra barato
SENSAH SRX PRO 1x11 velocidades, grupo de carretera 11 s, palanca de cambios R/L + desviadores traseros + ZRACE ALPHA , gravel-bikes Cyclo-Cross - compara precios
SENSAH SRX PRO 1x11 velocidades, grupo de carretera 11 s, palanca de cambios R/L + desviadores traseros + ZRACE ALPHA , gravel-bikes Cyclo-Cross - especificaciones
SENSAH SRX PRO 1x11 velocidades, grupo de carretera 11 s, palanca de cambios R/L + desviadores traseros + ZRACE ALPHA , gravel-bikes Cyclo-Cross - foto 2024
SENSAH SRX PRO 1x11 velocidades, grupo de carretera 11 s, palanca de cambios R/L + desviadores traseros + ZRACE ALPHA , gravel-bikes Cyclo-Cross - foto 2024
4imagen decorativacalificaciones
18imagen decorativapedidos

Fotos de compradores

SENSAH SRX PRO 1x11 velocidades, grupo de carretera 11 s, palanca de cambios R/L + desviadores traseros + ZRACE ALPHA , gravel-bikes Cyclo-Cross 2024 - It came pretty quickly. The current collection is 30₽ :). Packed qualitatively and everything, except the chain lock in place. The components themselves are visually and to the touch very high quality!!!! Seller recommend at 100%. I will collect my wife on the same canopy
SENSAH SRX PRO 1x11 velocidades, grupo de carretera 11 s, palanca de cambios R/L + desviadores traseros + ZRACE ALPHA , gravel-bikes Cyclo-Cross 2024 - It came pretty quickly. The current collection is 30₽ :). Packed qualitatively and everything, except the chain lock in place. The components themselves are visually and to the touch very high quality!!!! Seller recommend at 100%. I will collect my wife on the same canopy
SENSAH SRX PRO 1x11 velocidades, grupo de carretera 11 s, palanca de cambios R/L + desviadores traseros + ZRACE ALPHA , gravel-bikes Cyclo-Cross 2024 - Order is badly packed. The box was crumpled and torn. On the details there are chips and scratches. The chain lock is lost.
The salesman sent the tape of another model.
In the description of the goods, the cassette weighs 660 grams. The large star of the cassette should be made of aluminum alloy. In the parcel, the cassette is completely steel and weighs 726 grams.
The value of the order in the invoice is indicated with the cost of delivery. In Russia, the value of the goods in calculating the duty is determined without the cost of delivery. Because of this, the cost of the order exceeded the duty-free threshold for Russia. I have paid extra fees.
The order is poorly packaged. The box was wrinkle and torn. Parts have chips and scratches. The chain connector is lost.
The seller sent a cassette of a different model.
In the product description, the cassette weighs 660 grams. The large cassette sprocket should be made of aluminum alloy. In the package, the cassette is completely steel and weighs 726 grams.
SENSAH SRX PRO 1x11 velocidades, grupo de carretera 11 s, palanca de cambios R/L + desviadores traseros + ZRACE ALPHA , gravel-bikes Cyclo-Cross 2024 - Order is badly packed. The box was crumpled and torn. On the details there are chips and scratches. The chain lock is lost.
The salesman sent the tape of another model.
In the description of the goods, the cassette weighs 660 grams. The large star of the cassette should be made of aluminum alloy. In the parcel, the cassette is completely steel and weighs 726 grams.
The value of the order in the invoice is indicated with the cost of delivery. In Russia, the value of the goods in calculating the duty is determined without the cost of delivery. Because of this, the cost of the order exceeded the duty-free threshold for Russia. I have paid extra fees.
The order is poorly packaged. The box was wrinkle and torn. Parts have chips and scratches. The chain connector is lost.
The seller sent a cassette of a different model.
In the product description, the cassette weighs 660 grams. The large cassette sprocket should be made of aluminum alloy. In the package, the cassette is completely steel and weighs 726 grams.
Todas las fotos


  • Nome da marca: ZRACE
  • Origem: CN (Origem)
  • Engrenagens: 11 velocidades
  • Componentes: Câmbio traseiro
  • Material: LIGA
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