Escáner de diagnóstico automático para coche, accesorio ELM327 2,2 con Bluetooth, actualización de V1.5 ELM 327, lector de código, Chip PIC18F25K80 para IOS/Android/PC

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El precio ha subido en 0.47 €

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Vendedor de confianza: 89%

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  • Más de 9 años en la plataforma
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  • 4.7% de los clientes quedaron insatisfechos en los últimos 3 meses

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Otros vendedores ofrecen este artículo de 6.96 €

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Escáner de diagnóstico automático para coche, accesorio ELM327 2,2 con Bluetooth, actualización de V1.5 ELM 327, lector de código, Chip PIC18F25K80 para IOS/Android/PC 2024 - compra barato
Escáner de diagnóstico automático para coche, accesorio ELM327 2,2 con Bluetooth, actualización de V1.5 ELM 327, lector de código, Chip PIC18F25K80 para IOS/Android/PC 2024 - compra barato
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Escáner de diagnóstico automático para coche, accesorio ELM327 2,2 con Bluetooth, actualización de V1.5 ELM 327, lector de código, Chip PIC18F25K80 para IOS/Android/PC - especificaciones
Escáner de diagnóstico automático para coche, accesorio ELM327 2,2 con Bluetooth, actualización de V1.5 ELM 327, lector de código, Chip PIC18F25K80 para IOS/Android/PC - foto 2024
Escáner de diagnóstico automático para coche, accesorio ELM327 2,2 con Bluetooth, actualización de V1.5 ELM 327, lector de código, Chip PIC18F25K80 para IOS/Android/PC - foto 2024
3imagen decorativacalificaciones
3imagen decorativapedidos

Fotos de compradores

Escáner de diagnóstico automático para coche, accesorio ELM327 2,2 con Bluetooth, actualización de V1.5 ELM 327, lector de código, Chip PIC18F25K80 para IOS/Android/PC 2024 - My friend! I did as I asked. Seller Super!!! Before that, 3 sellers deceived me sent me version V1. 5. and my friend sent as promised me V2. 2. SNIM can be dealt with recommend to everyone!
Escáner de diagnóstico automático para coche, accesorio ELM327 2,2 con Bluetooth, actualización de V1.5 ELM 327, lector de código, Chip PIC18F25K80 para IOS/Android/PC 2024 - Excellent scanner, in Kia Sid 19gv sees many blocks not only the engine, there is a backlight, sent the seller quickly
Escáner de diagnóstico automático para coche, accesorio ELM327 2,2 con Bluetooth, actualización de V1.5 ELM 327, lector de código, Chip PIC18F25K80 para IOS/Android/PC 2024 - Excellent scanner, in Kia Sid 19gv sees many blocks not only the engine, there is a backlight, sent the seller quickly
Escáner de diagnóstico automático para coche, accesorio ELM327 2,2 con Bluetooth, actualización de V1.5 ELM 327, lector de código, Chip PIC18F25K80 para IOS/Android/PC 2024 - Excellent scanner, in Kia Sid 19gv sees many blocks not only the engine, there is a backlight, sent the seller quickly
Escáner de diagnóstico automático para coche, accesorio ELM327 2,2 con Bluetooth, actualización de V1.5 ELM 327, lector de código, Chip PIC18F25K80 para IOS/Android/PC 2024 - The scanner does not work, although it is fully defined, and the Machine finds the model, but at the last stage all programs fail. The seller did not want to return money, the money service AliExpress returned after the application recording video about the fault of the scanner. Do not buy from the seller. I have another scanner and I know how to use it. With precision I say that it does not work, QR code instructions on the package is not read, the page does not exist.
Escáner de diagnóstico automático para coche, accesorio ELM327 2,2 con Bluetooth, actualización de V1.5 ELM 327, lector de código, Chip PIC18F25K80 para IOS/Android/PC 2024 - The scanner does not work, although it is fully defined, and the Machine finds the model, but at the last stage all programs fail. The seller did not want to return money, the money service AliExpress returned after the application recording video about the fault of the scanner. Do not buy from the seller. I have another scanner and I know how to use it. With precision I say that it does not work, QR code instructions on the package is not read, the page does not exist.
Escáner de diagnóstico automático para coche, accesorio ELM327 2,2 con Bluetooth, actualización de V1.5 ELM 327, lector de código, Chip PIC18F25K80 para IOS/Android/PC 2024 - The scanner does not work, although it is fully defined, and the Machine finds the model, but at the last stage all programs fail. The seller did not want to return money, the money service AliExpress returned after the application recording video about the fault of the scanner. Do not buy from the seller. I have another scanner and I know how to use it. With precision I say that it does not work, QR code instructions on the package is not read, the page does not exist.
Escáner de diagnóstico automático para coche, accesorio ELM327 2,2 con Bluetooth, actualización de V1.5 ELM 327, lector de código, Chip PIC18F25K80 para IOS/Android/PC 2024 - The scanner does not work, although it is fully defined, and the Machine finds the model, but at the last stage all programs fail. The seller did not want to return money, the money service AliExpress returned after the application recording video about the fault of the scanner. Do not buy from the seller. I have another scanner and I know how to use it. With precision I say that it does not work, QR code instructions on the package is not read, the page does not exist.
Todas las fotos


  • Brand Name: ATDIAG
  • Language: english
  • Software Update: No
  • Item Type: Code Readers & Scan Tools
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