Mini botones de ojales coloridos de 1mm para DIY, ropa de muñeca, bolso, zapatos, hebillas de cinturón, botón a presión de Metal, accesorios de costura, 20 Uds.

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Mini botones de ojales coloridos de 1mm para DIY, ropa de muñeca, bolso, zapatos, hebillas de cinturón, botón a presión de Metal, accesorios de costura, 20 Uds. 2024 - compra barato
Mini botones de ojales coloridos de 1mm para DIY, ropa de muñeca, bolso, zapatos, hebillas de cinturón, botón a presión de Metal, accesorios de costura, 20 Uds. 2024 - compra barato
Mini botones de ojales coloridos de 1mm para DIY, ropa de muñeca, bolso, zapatos, hebillas de cinturón, botón a presión de Metal, accesorios de costura, 20 Uds. - compara precios
Mini botones de ojales coloridos de 1mm para DIY, ropa de muñeca, bolso, zapatos, hebillas de cinturón, botón a presión de Metal, accesorios de costura, 20 Uds. - especificaciones
Mini botones de ojales coloridos de 1mm para DIY, ropa de muñeca, bolso, zapatos, hebillas de cinturón, botón a presión de Metal, accesorios de costura, 20 Uds. - foto 2024
Mini botones de ojales coloridos de 1mm para DIY, ropa de muñeca, bolso, zapatos, hebillas de cinturón, botón a presión de Metal, accesorios de costura, 20 Uds. - foto 2024
16imagen decorativacalificaciones
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Fotos de compradores

Mini botones de ojales coloridos de 1mm para DIY, ropa de muñeca, bolso, zapatos, hebillas de cinturón, botón a presión de Metal, accesorios de costura, 20 Uds. 2024 - Eyelets correspond to the description. This time they came in full. Delivery is fast, 2 weeks in the combined order. I ordered 13 names from this seller at once. I will not order it anymore. This is my second big order in this store, and the second time the seller does not report the goods. This time I unpacked the video so that there was proof. The seller wrote and photographed the shortage, and what he put in the wrong size, he apologized and wrote that he would report to my next order. It turns out specially, so that the person again ordered something and ordered. I will not order here myself, and I do not advise you.
Mini botones de ojales coloridos de 1mm para DIY, ropa de muñeca, bolso, zapatos, hebillas de cinturón, botón a presión de Metal, accesorios de costura, 20 Uds. 2024 - Eyelets correspond to the description. This time they came in full. Delivery is fast, 2 weeks in the combined order. I ordered 13 names from this seller at once. I will not order it anymore. This is my second big order in this store, and the second time the seller does not report the goods. This time I unpacked the video so that there was proof. The seller wrote and photographed the shortage, and what he put in the wrong size, he apologized and wrote that he would report to my next order. It turns out specially, so that the person again ordered something and ordered. I will not order here myself, and I do not advise you.
Mini botones de ojales coloridos de 1mm para DIY, ropa de muñeca, bolso, zapatos, hebillas de cinturón, botón a presión de Metal, accesorios de costura, 20 Uds. 2024 - Eyelets correspond to the description. This time they came in full. Delivery is fast, 2 weeks in the combined order. I ordered 13 names from this seller at once. I will not order it anymore. This is my second big order in this store, and the second time the seller does not report the goods. This time I unpacked the video so that there was proof. The seller wrote and photographed the shortage, and what he put in the wrong size, he apologized and wrote that he would report to my next order. It turns out specially, so that the person again ordered something and ordered. I will not order here myself, and I do not advise you.
Mini botones de ojales coloridos de 1mm para DIY, ropa de muñeca, bolso, zapatos, hebillas de cinturón, botón a presión de Metal, accesorios de costura, 20 Uds. 2024 - Eyelets correspond to the description. This time they came in full. Delivery is fast, 2 weeks in the combined order. I ordered 13 names from this seller at once. I will not order it anymore. This is my second big order in this store, and the second time the seller does not report the goods. This time I unpacked the video so that there was proof. The seller wrote and photographed the shortage, and what he put in the wrong size, he apologized and wrote that he would report to my next order. It turns out specially, so that the person again ordered something and ordered. I will not order here myself, and I do not advise you.
Mini botones de ojales coloridos de 1mm para DIY, ropa de muñeca, bolso, zapatos, hebillas de cinturón, botón a presión de Metal, accesorios de costura, 20 Uds. 2024 - Eyelets correspond to the description. This time they came in full. Delivery is fast, 2 weeks in the combined order. I ordered 13 names from this seller at once. I will not order it anymore. This is my second big order in this store, and the second time the seller does not report the goods. This time I unpacked the video so that there was proof. The seller wrote and photographed the shortage, and what he put in the wrong size, he apologized and wrote that he would report to my next order. It turns out specially, so that the person again ordered something and ordered. I will not order here myself, and I do not advise you.
Mini botones de ojales coloridos de 1mm para DIY, ropa de muñeca, bolso, zapatos, hebillas de cinturón, botón a presión de Metal, accesorios de costura, 20 Uds. 2024 - Eyelets correspond to the description. This time they came in full. Delivery is fast, 2 weeks in the combined order. I ordered 13 names from this seller at once. I will not order it anymore. This is my second big order in this store, and the second time the seller does not report the goods. This time I unpacked the video so that there was proof. The seller wrote and photographed the shortage, and what he put in the wrong size, he apologized and wrote that he would report to my next order. It turns out specially, so that the person again ordered something and ordered. I will not order here myself, and I do not advise you.
Mini botones de ojales coloridos de 1mm para DIY, ropa de muñeca, bolso, zapatos, hebillas de cinturón, botón a presión de Metal, accesorios de costura, 20 Uds. 2024 - Eyelets correspond to the description. This time they came in full. Delivery is fast, 2 weeks in the combined order. I ordered 13 names from this seller at once. I will not order it anymore. This is my second big order in this store, and the second time the seller does not report the goods. This time I unpacked the video so that there was proof. The seller wrote and photographed the shortage, and what he put in the wrong size, he apologized and wrote that he would report to my next order. It turns out specially, so that the person again ordered something and ordered. I will not order here myself, and I do not advise you.
Mini botones de ojales coloridos de 1mm para DIY, ropa de muñeca, bolso, zapatos, hebillas de cinturón, botón a presión de Metal, accesorios de costura, 20 Uds. 2024 - Eyelets correspond to the description. This time they came in full. Delivery is fast, 2 weeks in the combined order. I ordered 13 names from this seller at once. I will not order it anymore. This is my second big order in this store, and the second time the seller does not report the goods. This time I unpacked the video so that there was proof. The seller wrote and photographed the shortage, and what he put in the wrong size, he apologized and wrote that he would report to my next order. It turns out specially, so that the person again ordered something and ordered. I will not order here myself, and I do not advise you.
Todas las fotos


  • Brand Name: SIRENXI
  • Material: Metal
  • Origin: CN(Origin)
  • Gender: Unisex
  • Mfg Series Number: Fashion
  • Type: Accessories
  • BJD/SD Attribute: Accessories
  • Item Type: Doll Accessories
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