Báscula Digital portátil de mano, balanza electrónica colgante para equipaje de 50Kg, con pantalla precisa y definitiva, rendimiento estable

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El precio ha subido en 2.01 €

Más caro que la media, mucho

Vendedor de confianza: 100%

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  • Más de 10 años en la plataforma
  • Alta calificación general (194850)
  • Los compradores están satisfechos con la comunicación
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  • Envía rápidamente los artículos
  • 1.9% de los clientes quedaron insatisfechos en los últimos 3 meses

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Otros vendedores ofrecen este artículo de 2.76 €

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Báscula Digital portátil de mano, balanza electrónica colgante para equipaje de 50Kg, con pantalla precisa y definitiva, rendimiento estable - foto 2024
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13imagen decorativapedidos

Fotos de compradores

Báscula Digital portátil de mano, balanza electrónica colgante para equipaje de 50Kg, con pantalla precisa y definitiva, rendimiento estable 2024 - The hook scale is wide, it facilitates more to weigh handles thicker, just do not expect that will be durable, as appears to be well to be fragile plastic have the feeling that fall to the ground will break easily, but knowing already bought the material, so nothing to complain, Came running smoothly, made several tests and all OK, like.
Báscula Digital portátil de mano, balanza electrónica colgante para equipaje de 50Kg, con pantalla precisa y definitiva, rendimiento estable 2024 - The hook scale is wide, it facilitates more to weigh handles thicker, just do not expect that will be durable, as appears to be well to be fragile plastic have the feeling that fall to the ground will break easily, but knowing already bought the material, so nothing to complain, Came running smoothly, made several tests and all OK, like.
Báscula Digital portátil de mano, balanza electrónica colgante para equipaje de 50Kg, con pantalla precisa y definitiva, rendimiento estable 2024 - The hook scale is wide, it facilitates more to weigh handles thicker, just do not expect that will be durable, as appears to be well to be fragile plastic have the feeling that fall to the ground will break easily, but knowing already bought the material, so nothing to complain, Came running smoothly, made several tests and all OK, like.
Báscula Digital portátil de mano, balanza electrónica colgante para equipaje de 50Kg, con pantalla precisa y definitiva, rendimiento estable 2024 - The hook scale is wide, it facilitates more to weigh handles thicker, just do not expect that will be durable, as appears to be well to be fragile plastic have the feeling that fall to the ground will break easily, but knowing already bought the material, so nothing to complain, Came running smoothly, made several tests and all OK, like.
Todas las fotos


  • Nombre de la marca: ANENG
  • Certificación: NONE
  • Origen: CN(Origen)
  • Tipo: Báscula colgante
  • Carga nominal: 45 kg
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