Cartuchos de tinta para impresora HP56, recambio de tinta Compatible con HP57, HP DESKJET 450CI, 5145, 5150, 5151, 5550, 5551, 5552, 5650, 2 uds.

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El precio ha bajado en 0.37 €

Más barato que la media, un poco

Vendedor de confianza: 89%

Superior a la media, es seguro comprar, Printing supplies shop

  • Más de 9 años en la plataforma
  • Alta calificación general (19393)
  • Los compradores están satisfechos con la comunicación
  • Las artículos corresponden a su descripción
  • Envía rápidamente los artículos
  • 4.6% de los clientes quedaron insatisfechos en los últimos 3 meses

Comentarios de clientes


Otros vendedores ofrecen este artículo de 6.11 €

25 artículos similares encontrados

Cartuchos de tinta para impresora HP56, recambio de tinta Compatible con HP57, HP DESKJET 450CI, 5145, 5150, 5151, 5550, 5551, 5552, 5650, 2 uds. 2024 - compra barato
Cartuchos de tinta para impresora HP56, recambio de tinta Compatible con HP57, HP DESKJET 450CI, 5145, 5150, 5151, 5550, 5551, 5552, 5650, 2 uds. 2024 - compra barato
Cartuchos de tinta para impresora HP56, recambio de tinta Compatible con HP57, HP DESKJET 450CI, 5145, 5150, 5151, 5550, 5551, 5552, 5650, 2 uds. - compara precios
Cartuchos de tinta para impresora HP56, recambio de tinta Compatible con HP57, HP DESKJET 450CI, 5145, 5150, 5151, 5550, 5551, 5552, 5650, 2 uds. - especificaciones
Cartuchos de tinta para impresora HP56, recambio de tinta Compatible con HP57, HP DESKJET 450CI, 5145, 5150, 5151, 5550, 5551, 5552, 5650, 2 uds. - foto 2024
1imagen decorativacalificación
4imagen decorativapedidos

Fotos de compradores

Cartuchos de tinta para impresora HP56, recambio de tinta Compatible con HP57, HP DESKJET 450CI, 5145, 5150, 5151, 5550, 5551, 5552, 5650, 2 uds. 2024 - Thank you very much for the delivery! I have not checked yet, but it came quickly and neatly laid down!
                                                    Thank you for the goods. Quickly and well packed. Delivered to the apartment.
Cartuchos de tinta para impresora HP56, recambio de tinta Compatible con HP57, HP DESKJET 450CI, 5145, 5150, 5151, 5550, 5551, 5552, 5650, 2 uds. 2024 - Thank you very much for the delivery! I have not checked yet, but it came quickly and neatly laid down!
                                                    Thank you for the goods. Quickly and well packed. Delivered to the apartment.
Cartuchos de tinta para impresora HP56, recambio de tinta Compatible con HP57, HP DESKJET 450CI, 5145, 5150, 5151, 5550, 5551, 5552, 5650, 2 uds. 2024 - Ordered the goods on June 26, July 17 took the parcel in the post office. Description corresponds to 100%, put in your old printer, all while good!!! Came in a Corton box, in the box of the layer three or four pupyrki, not crumpled!) as it happens sometimes. I advise the seller. I didn't. ATP. I think the price is relevant, you can not wait long, you can not find such in Moscow stores, and you need to go
Cartuchos de tinta para impresora HP56, recambio de tinta Compatible con HP57, HP DESKJET 450CI, 5145, 5150, 5151, 5550, 5551, 5552, 5650, 2 uds. 2024 - Ordered the goods on June 26, July 17 took the parcel in the post office. Description corresponds to 100%, put in your old printer, all while good!!! Came in a Corton box, in the box of the layer three or four pupyrki, not crumpled!) as it happens sometimes. I advise the seller. I didn't. ATP. I think the price is relevant, you can not wait long, you can not find such in Moscow stores, and you need to go
Todas las fotos


  • Brand Name: COAAP
  • Origin: CN(Origin)
  • Cartridge's Status: Full
  • Feature: Compatible
  • Type: ink cartridge
  • Bulk Packaging: Yes
  • Compatible Brand: HP Inkjet
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