Bolsa de almacenamiento de coche, organizador de techo, bolsa de almacenamiento de asiento de coche, viaje

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El precio ha bajado en 1.14 €

Más barato que la media, mucho

Vendedor de confianza: 89%

Superior a la media, es seguro comprar, DEFOE Official Store

  • Más de 9 años en la plataforma
  • Alta calificación general (15581)
  • Los compradores están satisfechos con la comunicación
  • Las artículos corresponden a su descripción
  • Envía rápidamente los artículos
  • 3.5% de los clientes quedaron insatisfechos en los últimos 3 meses

Comentarios de clientes


Otros vendedores ofrecen este artículo de 3.84 €

42 artículos similares encontrados

Bolsa de almacenamiento de coche, organizador de techo, bolsa de almacenamiento de asiento de coche, viaje 2024 - compra barato
Bolsa de almacenamiento de coche, organizador de techo, bolsa de almacenamiento de asiento de coche, viaje 2024 - compra barato
Bolsa de almacenamiento de coche, organizador de techo, bolsa de almacenamiento de asiento de coche, viaje - compara precios
Bolsa de almacenamiento de coche, organizador de techo, bolsa de almacenamiento de asiento de coche, viaje - especificaciones
Bolsa de almacenamiento de coche, organizador de techo, bolsa de almacenamiento de asiento de coche, viaje - foto 2024
Bolsa de almacenamiento de coche, organizador de techo, bolsa de almacenamiento de asiento de coche, viaje - foto 2024
1imagen decorativacalificación
1imagen decorativapedido

Fotos de compradores

Bolsa de almacenamiento de coche, organizador de techo, bolsa de almacenamiento de asiento de coche, viaje 2024 - For the first time I won in a halve) the bag will be interesting for long trips, for storing something that is better to keep at hand. Unfortunately, I have not yet had time to try on in the car, I have Ford S-Max and there are doubts that there is enough length of fastening tapes. From the strap to the strap on the wide side 1 meter. Well, if hands from the shoulders, then it's easy to change. To the seller Thank you very much for the bag and for the gift in the form of a keychain on the keys!
Bolsa de almacenamiento de coche, organizador de techo, bolsa de almacenamiento de asiento de coche, viaje 2024 - For the first time I won in a halve) the bag will be interesting for long trips, for storing something that is better to keep at hand. Unfortunately, I have not yet had time to try on in the car, I have Ford S-Max and there are doubts that there is enough length of fastening tapes. From the strap to the strap on the wide side 1 meter. Well, if hands from the shoulders, then it's easy to change. To the seller Thank you very much for the bag and for the gift in the form of a keychain on the keys!
Bolsa de almacenamiento de coche, organizador de techo, bolsa de almacenamiento de asiento de coche, viaje 2024 - For the first time I won in a halve) the bag will be interesting for long trips, for storing something that is better to keep at hand. Unfortunately, I have not yet had time to try on in the car, I have Ford S-Max and there are doubts that there is enough length of fastening tapes. From the strap to the strap on the wide side 1 meter. Well, if hands from the shoulders, then it's easy to change. To the seller Thank you very much for the bag and for the gift in the form of a keychain on the keys!
Bolsa de almacenamiento de coche, organizador de techo, bolsa de almacenamiento de asiento de coche, viaje 2024 - For the first time I won in a halve) the bag will be interesting for long trips, for storing something that is better to keep at hand. Unfortunately, I have not yet had time to try on in the car, I have Ford S-Max and there are doubts that there is enough length of fastening tapes. From the strap to the strap on the wide side 1 meter. Well, if hands from the shoulders, then it's easy to change. To the seller Thank you very much for the bag and for the gift in the form of a keychain on the keys!
Bolsa de almacenamiento de coche, organizador de techo, bolsa de almacenamiento de asiento de coche, viaje 2024 - 12,11 ordered 16.12 took from the Mo mail, all as in the description! The material is durable, the zippers are good, the straps too. It remains to buy a large car and adapt! ;) The seller put a small keychain as a gift, will check it out! ;)
Bolsa de almacenamiento de coche, organizador de techo, bolsa de almacenamiento de asiento de coche, viaje 2024 - 12,11 ordered 16.12 took from the Mo mail, all as in the description! The material is durable, the zippers are good, the straps too. It remains to buy a large car and adapt! ;) The seller put a small keychain as a gift, will check it out! ;)
Bolsa de almacenamiento de coche, organizador de techo, bolsa de almacenamiento de asiento de coche, viaje 2024 - 12,11 ordered 16.12 took from the Mo mail, all as in the description! The material is durable, the zippers are good, the straps too. It remains to buy a large car and adapt! ;) The seller put a small keychain as a gift, will check it out! ;)
Bolsa de almacenamiento de coche, organizador de techo, bolsa de almacenamiento de asiento de coche, viaje 2024 - 12,11 ordered 16.12 took from the Mo mail, all as in the description! The material is durable, the zippers are good, the straps too. It remains to buy a large car and adapt! ;) The seller put a small keychain as a gift, will check it out! ;)
Todas las fotos


  • Название бренда: DEFOE
  • Происхождение: Китай
  • Тип: Сумка заднего сидения
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